BRIGHT – Eye Spa & Aesthetics – You Call it Sweater Season, We Call it IPL Season

We all love summertime! We love the wineries, working on our gardens, having beach days, outdoor events, nautical activities and so much more; what we don’t love is the lifelong damage the sun causes to our skin. So on that note, we will say goodbye to summer and all the memories it brings, but hello to IPL and the healthy, glowy, beautiful skin it can bring to you this fall. 

IPL has been a consistently reliable medical-grade skin treatment since the mid-90’s. Stereotypically, IPL has been referred to as a laser, which it is definitely not. It correctly stands for: Intense Pulsed Light, because that is exactly how the technology works. The light emitted from the instrument is a broad spectrum light found in our UV scale, and penetrates to the middle layer of our skin, the dermis. In order to reverse any drastic skin concerns the dermal layer is where you should be treating since that is where you can find the hair follicles, blood vessels, melanocytes, etc. When it comes to an IPL, there are a variety of handpieces that could be attached, each detecting a different area in the dermal layer. My two favorites being the pigmented/vascular lesion handpiece and the permanent hair reduction handpiece. 

When attaching the pigmented/vascular lesion handpiece the IPL is utilized to permanently remove deeper UV damage, sun spots, age spots, freckles, brown spots and birthmarks. This specific handpiece is also widely known to temporarily remove any type of chronic vascular skin conditions including: rosacea, telangiectasias, broken capillaries and overall redness for about 1-2 years. Fun Fact: IPL also has a side benefit of shrinking pore size, treating black heads or any type of congestion, leaving the skin feeling a lot more softer. Our permanent hair reduction handpiece has been a game changer for any type of concerns contributing to excess hair growth, and by far has been my personal favorite to work with compared to other devices. Still following the intense pulsed light technology, this handpiece penetrates to the dermis and targets hair follicles; Resulting in permanent hair loss of 75% alongside maintenance treatments twice a year to temporarily remove the remaining 25%. Second Fun Fact: Our device works based on the hair growth cycle, so depending on which areas are being treated is how we determine a time schedule, overall still only requiring 6-8 treatments no matter the body part! Based on this fact, when carrying-out a full body IPL hair reduction bundle, the full body will not actually be treated all in one sitting; schedules will be booked based on each area’s individual hair growth cycle. 

Alongside every great high-energy device comes with great pairing medical-grade products to optimize final results. Think of it as a patient’s at-home prep prior to a medical-grade cosmetic procedure. The best products recommended to pair before, during and after IPL treatments, more specifically the pigmented/vascular lesion handpiece, would be the SkinCeuticals: Discoloration Defense Serum, any of their vitamin C serums (CE Ferulic, Phloretin CF, Serum 10, Silymarin CF), Redness Neutralizer and any products in their phyto collection; and the ZO Skin Health: Skin Brightening Program, Skin Normalizing Program and Rozatrol. Most importantly a highly protective mineral SPF found in both skin care lines – it’s never too late to start! 

With the upcoming fall season. take this opportunity to reverse any present or future UV damage, experience a long term glowing complexion, control any vascular skin concerns before the cool and dry air fast approaches, and jumpstart on smooth hairless skin before next summer! Book a complimentary consultation at Bright Eye Spa + Medical Aesthetics for all your IPL needs, and if you happen to still wonder if IPL is suitable for your skin we will guarantee a Visia in-depth skin analysis to lead the way! 

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